First Aid

Did you know it's a legal requirement to provide first aid equipment and have an adequate number of people trained to administer first aid in every workplace?

First aid requirements vary depending on the nature of your workplace; including the size, location, number of people and types of hazards workers are exposed to.

As a basis, the recommended first aid requirements are:

  • Low risk workplaces = 1 x first aider for every 50 workers + a basic first aid kit

  • High risk workplaces = 1 x first aider for every 25 workers + a basic first aid kit + additional equipment identified for specific risks

  • Remote high risk workplaces = 1 x first aider for every 10 workers + a basic first aid kit + additional equipment identified for specific risks + a heavy duty 10cm crepe bandage for snake bites, large clean sheeting for covering burns, thermal blanket to treat shock, whistle for attracting attention and a torch/flashlight

If you need help identifying your requirements check out the 'Model Code of Practice - First Aid in the Workplace' available on the Safework Australia website.

We can also assist you with these requirements and with auditing and re-stocking your kits. Call Tania on 0417 212 244.


January 2021 Newsletter


New Australian Standard for loading ramps and Forcing Yards